How to store the reference of a dictionary element ?

Alfredo P. Ricafort alpot at
Wed Dec 18 23:29:49 EST 2002

On Wed, 2002-12-18 at 06:36, Bengt Richter wrote:

> I tried to understand "what you are *really* trying do do"(tm) but
couldn't ;-)
> If you would define your requirements independently of preconceived
> ideas, I suspect people would be able to help better.

I'm not exactly sure if you are really replying to this thread. But just
in case you are, and if you curious on what I am trying to do, then here
it is:

I am writing a wxPython program and I am trying to create a class that
is somewhat similar to the menu_item_factory of GTK+.  The structure of
the INPUT data to the class is like this:

inputData=( (path,attribute1,attribute2,....),....)

for example:
       ('/&File',               'text','text'....),
       ('/File/&New',           'text','text'....),
       ('/File/New/&Folder',    'text','text'..),
       ('/File/New/&Directory', 'text','text'..),
       ('/&Edit',               'text','text'..)

When this input is pass on to the class, it will be broken down to a new
structure that the program can easily manipulate. The OUTPUT structure
will be somewhat like this:


In our example above, the outcome will be like this:
But I realized that for this type of structure, where the submenus could
be n level deep, I will have difficulty searching for a particular
element in the dictionary.  Instead, I am thinking of changing the
structure to just 1 level like this:

In Python:

inputData={'parentKey':[attribute1,attribute2,ptrToChild1,ptrToChild2...],                            'child1Key':[attribute1,attribute2,ptrToGrandChild1....] 


(2) inputData= {'parentKey':[attribute1,attribute2,None],

(2) In C
   struct inputData {
          struct inputData *parent;
          char * path;
          char * attribute1;
          char * attribute2;

What I was hoping for is to store the reference(not the value) of the
parent or the child. So if I where to use (2) as my structure and say:


then I would end up with the reference to the 'parentKey' element.  At
the same time I can use 


to search for a particular key.

Hope this clear things up.


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