sorting a file

Romualdo micyaro at
Thu Dec 5 11:08:16 EST 2002


I am trying to rewrite a little shell script into python.
I ve got a text file with following content:

foo bar file_name1.ext ./foobar
foo bar file_name2.ext ./foobar

Now the shell script reads only the "file_nameXX.ext"-part and using
it as a variable, the script moves the file "file_nameXX.ext" from a
directory to another directory given. It looks like this:

source_dir = /foo/bar
dest_dir = /another/foo/bar
sourcefile = "source_dir" + "/" + "file_name"
destfile = "dest_dir" + "/" + "file_name"
PROGRAM = move sourcefile destfile

Does anybody could tell me how the lines above would look like in
Thank you for helping me out.

Best regards,

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