Distutils and MinGW with C++

Andrew Gregory andrew.gregory at npl.co.uk
Sat Dec 14 12:30:17 EST 2002

Problem solved. In order to compile C++ Python extensions with MingW
using distutils you need to link to libstdc++.a (supplied with MingW).
The setup.py file is:

# setup.py - for building _pysimple.pyd
# To use, from command line type:
#   python setup.py build --compiler=mingw32

from distutils.core import setup, Extension
setup (name = "_pysimple",
       version = "1.0",
       maintainer = "Andrew Gregory",
       maintainer_email = "andrew.gregory at npl.co.uk",
       description = "Sample Python DLL",
       ext_modules = [Extension('_pysimple',

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