distutils on windows

Trent Mick trentm at ActiveState.com
Mon Dec 9 13:22:57 EST 2002

[Andrew Gregory wrote]
> Sorry to ask such a trivial question, but if I'm compiling using
> distutils
> how to I get to see the compiler error messages, as the command window
> on Windows NT does not have scroll bars, so they disappear off the top
> of the screen?

You should configure your NT command shell (you are using cmd.exe
right?) to maintain a screen buffer that is bigger than what is
displayed. Then you should be able to scroll back. I don't know if the
dialogs are the same on NT, but on Win2K:
    - right-click on the title bar and select "Properties"
    - select the "Layout" tab
    - set the "Height" of the "Screen Buffer" to a large number, say

> Tried 
> python setup.py build --compiler=mingw32 > tmp.txt
> (closes file immediately if an error)

You are not redirecting stderr to tmp.txt there. Try this:
    python setup.py build --compiler=mingw32 > tmp.txt 2>&1

"2" == stderr
"1" == stdout
"2>&1" == dupe stderr onto stdout (or something like that)


Trent Mick
TrentM at ActiveState.com

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