Passing a C Struct and accessing/modifying its values

Lance Duivenbode huku at
Fri Dec 27 06:21:12 EST 2002


I'm currently writing a multiple game log parser in C that's called 
Multistat ( Multistat is a flexible 
plugin based application, and given this I would like to be able to 
create a plugin (or plugins) that will allow parsing etc to be done by 
scripting languages (i.e. python and perl for the moment).

To do this I need to pass C structure that contains pointers and other C 
structures. Can python do this or do I have to serialize the data into 
XML or some other meta-language first? I've attached the header file 
that contains the structs (I'm interested in the GameData, PlayerData, 
and TeamData structs - NOTE: These all contain or are part of linked lists).



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