How to install on Windows?

Wolfgang Strobl wks000 at
Wed Dec 4 17:50:36 EST 2002

Johannes Gamperl <info at>:

>i'm new to mod_python. i tried to install mod_python on windows xp and 
>apache 2.0.43. i got the so-lib at 
>and put the so-file into my apache modules directory. after that i go to 
>http.conf and added the following line
>LoadModule python_module modules/
>Now if i try to start apache i get an error message:
>cannot load ../ into server ..
>i've installe the latest dist. of activestate python.

Got the same error message, after trying the very same combination
(xp+apache 2.0.43+AS Python 22+mod_python 3.0.1) at work, a few days
ago, using the binary version from

The solution is simple. that version of seems to be
compiled with Visual Studio 7 (aka  VS dot net), and so needs

After copying that library over from a development workstation where
VS7 was installed, and after installing the mod_python package
(another missing piece) from the source distro into python22,
everything - well, almost everything, but see below - works like a

When it works at all, using mod_python is actually quite simple (I
haven't usedit before, too)

The problem _I_ am struggling with right now is how to write an output
filter with mod_python for processing very large files, without reading
the whole file into memory. Any suggestions?
>What else i've to install? 

There are various places to get msvcr70.dll from. It's part of the
redistributable libraries.

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