12 years of Python and only at v2.2

Manuel M. Garcia mgarcia at cole-switches.com
Tue Dec 3 16:54:08 EST 2002

I was reading "Python Power: Growing Respect for an Open Source
Integration Tool" by Cameron Laird in OpenEnterpriseTrends.com


(found it on Daily Python-URL http://www.pythonware.com/daily/)

Laird's article makes the statement """

What makes Python so good for integration? Finch and other believers
in Python note several characteristics:
3. Python is high-quality: While it's matured for over a decade now,
its developmental philosophy is so conservative it only recently
reached version 2.2.


Is Python unusual in this respect?  The only comparable situation I
can think of off the top of my head is with Linux, begun in 1992 and
at v2.4 currently.


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