Python + IIS/ASP questions (modules, namespaces, etc)

Preston Landers pibble at
Fri Dec 20 12:31:04 EST 2002

sismex01 at wrote in message news:<mailman.1040337986.15815.python-list at>...

> Use zip to reorder your row/column data, to convert it
> into a list of tuples [ (row1), (row2), ... ]:
>     zip(*ado.getrows()) -> list
> It's fairly quick.
> -gustavo

Ah, beautiful.  I knew that builtin function would come in handy

I'm not sure about your syntax.  I used this:

column_major_list = ado.GetRows()
row_major_list = apply(zip, column_major_list)

And since I really want all the strings as regular strings instead of
unicode, I also did this:

import types
def ununicode(x):
    if type(x) is types.UnicodeType:
        return str(x)
        return x
def stringify(rec):
    return tuple(map(ununicode, rec))
row_major_list = map(stringify, apply(zip,ado.GetRows()))

thanks for the tip!


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