HELP! Must choose language!

Grant Edwards grante at
Mon Dec 30 15:05:21 EST 2002

In article <yyyk7hrikh9.fsf at>, Nick Vargish wrote:

> If you want to learn to program because you're considering it as a
> career, I think Python might be the wrong choice for you (at this
> stage). It will teach you a lot about "how to program", but it is not
> a language with a lot of employment opportunities -- trust me,

It may be true that there aren't a lot of job openings
involving Python, but a "first language" should be chosen for
it's usefulness in learning concepts.  No professional I've
ever met knows only a single language.  Most know dozens. 

Learning Python first isn't going to prevent somebody from
learning Java, C, Pascal, or whatever.  IMO, it will help them.

> So, if you are getting into this for a career, I think you
> should start with C, which can be learned in a couple of weeks.

I must disagree.  The more you're considering programming as a
career, the more important it is to learn basic programming
concepts well.  C is horrible for that.  C++ is worse.

Learn Python first, then learn Scheme, Prolog, PDP-11
assembler, Fortran, Java, C.  I suppose you can through in C++
if required... 

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  With this weapon
                                  at               I can expose fictional
                                 characters and bring about
                                                   sweeping reforms!!

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