Wet Dream--python to native compiler

Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters mertz at gnosis.cx
Mon Dec 16 15:28:49 EST 2002

Aaron K. Johnson <akjmicro at yahoo.com> wrote previously:
|Anyway, most people tend to think where you need speed in python,
|re-write to C.  Most people don't see the need for a native compiler
|because of this.

Well, also because of Psyco and Pyrex.  You don't need curly braces to
make Python fast.

|It think if python could fix its speed issues, or at least approach
|java efficiency, there would be no need for C/C++.

My experience is that Python is almost always faster than Java "out of
the box".  I know benchmarks only partially bear me out, but for the
practical things I do, this seems to be the case.

One you add Psyco...  Python is quite fast.  All without any change of
syntax, or need for extension languages.

The "native compiler" meme seems like it is just a leftover remnant of
something someone heard in a CS201 class.  In practical terms, there
almost never seems to be anything that such a creature would
-accomplish- that isn't available right now.

Yours, Lulu...

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