[snake-farm] Re: 2.2.x backports of 2.3.x new features?

Peter Hansen peter at engcorp.com
Wed Dec 11 23:07:42 EST 2002

Laura Creighton wrote:
> > What would the difference, then, be between PIAT and Python 2.3?
> Right now the shortage is in finding people who want anything enough
> to want to do some work.  (There is no shortage of people who think that
> thing X would be great as long as somebody else does the work.)  I
> never envisioned backporting so many things, but if somebody wants to
> work that hard, I won't tell them they cannot.
> I think there is a compelling business case to put fixedpoint in the PIT,
> but so far I don't think there is a compelling reason for the rest.  This
> is because I am completely ignorant and haven't heard any reasons at all,
> not because I am completely knowledgeable and have my mind made up.  So,
> listening to people who want things, even if they don't want them enough
> to work at making them happen is still very interesting to me.

Logging would be nice, but I see no reason we couldn't (when *we*
get the time to put that in our stuff at all) just download it
and put it on top of our own Python installation.

Bool is another YES, although we're getting along fine just redefining
our standard (true,false) = (1,0) to be (True, False) = (1,0)

I agree with the fixedpoint comment in general, and we would in fact
probably use it within the next year.

And no, we definitely don't have time to do the work related to these
ourselves, yet... as I hinted, we don't even have time to *use* this
stuff even if it were available already...  sigh.  (I do seriously
hope to contribute back some of our advances related to the testing 
framework though.)


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