Using Python to work with MS Word.

Anthony Evershed anthony.evershed at
Fri Dec 20 10:43:37 EST 2002

I have to push data (from an Oracle database or similar, accessed by a
Python script, and hard-coded contents of variables in the Python
script) into a document template (.dot file) in Microsoft Word 2000.
As I am trying to keep as much of the transfer operated outside Word
as possible, I need to use the Win32/COM interface features of Python

a. Find the field tags in the template (for my own benefit, I've kept
them to the form ---NameOfField---).

b. Insert (by whatever means, but quite likely using the Paste command
in Word.

Does anyone have any ideas as to how to perform these tasks
(especially the first, about which I have found no documation either
in books or on the net?

Thanks in advance,

Anthony Evershed

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