Python + Mozilla/XUL/...

andrew cooke andrew at
Mon Dec 9 18:18:51 EST 2002

Trent Mick <trentm at> wrote in message news:<mailman.1039457833.8397.python-list at>...
> Yes. Although you need to build PyXPCOM into your own Mozilla build to
> get it working.  This is not a small task.  I work on a project that
> does this: Komodo. Most of Komodo's "smarts" are written in Python and
> PyXPCOM was developped to communicate between Python and the rest of the
> Mozilla framework:

thanks - it was seeing the info about komodo on their site that got me
wondering about all this.  didn't realise i'd need to rebuild mozilla,
though :-(

> > If Python cannot be used, is this likely to change soon?
> Probably not soon, though I would love it if it were.  The last I heard,
> it would take a significant amount of time (on the order of months) for

ah well.   thanks for the info.

was it a pleasure working with mozilla?  compared to whatever else
you've worked on, for example...?


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