questions about scope/threading

Aahz aahz at
Thu Dec 5 23:59:47 EST 2002

In article <asdqs1$1mv$1 at>,  <maney at> wrote:
>Aahz <aahz at> wrote:
>> gc was just an example.  Try playing with sys._getframe() for another
>> example.  The point is that *ALL* Python objects are by definition bound;
>> if they're not bound, the refcount is zero and the object is deleted.
>I no longer recall exactly what the original context was, and don't
>feel it's worth rummaging about on g's groups to find it.  Maybe the
>root of it was that you use 'bound' (here, anyway) in a sense that I
>wouldn't: that's 'referenced', which includes bound as a distinct subset. 
>Have I picked up a not so common distinction somewhere along the way?

Generally speaking, in Python a "binding" *is* a reference.  Of course
"bound" gets confusing because it also refers to instance methods.  What
subset of references were you thinking "bound" was?
Aahz (aahz at           <*>

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