How should Tkinter Pronounce ??

Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch at
Mon Dec 9 18:47:48 EST 2002

I normally say it:

    Tea Kay Inter

but I once in a while say it as:

    Tea Kin ter

with emphasis on the first syllable and the last two slurred together.


Benson Ngai wrote:

>Hi all,
>I am not a native english speaker, but i am gonna do a presentation on
>python and Tkinter, but I have a hard time even trying to pronounce
>"Tkinter". I tried to look in up on the web. but I got 2 most common
>answers should it be pronounce "Tink-ter" , "Tea-Kay-Inter" or what??
>Thank you for answering this somewhat strange question, Thanks

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

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