Why is Python popular, while Lisp and Scheme aren't?

Daniel Silva dansilva at lynx.dac.neu.edu
Mon Dec 2 16:16:02 EST 2002

> On Behalf Of Pascal Costanza
> >
> > www.drscheme.org
> >
> > :)
> Beware: Common Lisp and Scheme are languages that are very different
> certain areas, and their user communities have different goals. Of
> course they have some overlaps since they have their roots in the Lisp
> family of languages - however, some people even claim that Common Lisp
> and Scheme are as similar as C++ and Java. I don't think such
> comparisons are useful, but I quote this to give an impression.
> So before you decide to try Scheme or Common Lisp, try to find out
> they offer and what your requirements would be. If you have opted for
> one of them and it turned out that you don't like, give the other one
> also a try.
> http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?LispSchemeDifferences is probably a good
> point.
> Pascal

Sorry; I only meant that it is a good IDE (the language-neutral
check-syntax is great, for example), and while it is bundled with a
Scheme interpreter, you could put other languages on it if you were so
inclined, like Java, Lisp, or Python.
(well, the editor works regardless... but for the actual execution and
program analysis tools, you'll need to write a small compiler).

-- Daniel

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