
Tetsuo member at dbforums.com
Thu Dec 19 22:35:03 EST 2002

Well, I'm making this Web-based program that I have mentioned and that
99% of you have never heard about. I finally thought up a name for it
and even started making the first file, after months of sitting around
and/or trying to get things to work.

I have another problem. What I really need would take a long
explanation, but I guess the answer to this question will be sufficient.
I thought up some crap with chr(34) and chr(39), but it seems too
confusing to be really necessary. Surely there's an easy solution to
such an elementary problem.

Let's say I need to have this text printed:

print "The book is called "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.""

How do I get the user to see

The book is called "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone."

instead of

Traceback (  File "<interactive input>", line 1
    print "The book is called "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

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