IDLE: Error when running script

jaime suarez jaime.suarez at
Thu Dec 19 14:04:51 EST 2002

I get the following error message when running a script (please
see below) in IDLE.  The same script runs fine under PythonWin.

Error message appearing in the *Python Shell*:

IDLE 0.8 -- press F1 for help
  File "C:\Python21\MyProjects\PythonWin\", line 14
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Script as it appears in the editor:

(1) def hello(msg):
(2)    print "Hello, " + msg
(4)def main():
(5)    import sys
(6)    print "Script name is", sys.argv[0]
(7)    if len(sys.argv)>=2:
(8)        hello(sys.argv[1])
(9)    else:
(10)       hello("Please say something next time")
(13)if __name__=='__main__':
(14)    main()

Thank you in advance,

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