Python vs Java garbage collection?

Ganesan R rganesan at
Sun Dec 29 23:17:34 EST 2002

>>>>> "Stuart" == Stuart D Gathman <stuart at> writes:

> 1) This feature should not reclaim memory, only call __del__().  If
> references were still live, the effect would be the same as calling
> __del__() on a live object.

> 2) __del__() would get called again when memory is actually reclaimed.
> Therefore, your feature would be much safer if it called another special
> function - say close() or dispose() at the end of the block.

I actually like C# deterministic cleanup with the "using" block for
this. See
I am not sure how to adopt this for Python. May be something like

using myobj as MyClass("A MyClass Object"): 
    do something with myobj
# runtime calls dispose on myobj object once "using" code block is exited,
# even if exception thrown. 

Ganesan R 

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