Anyone seen a Javascript interpreter in Python?

Brian Kelley bkelley at
Wed Dec 11 09:05:08 EST 2002

> probably, but what exactly does java_script_function contain?
Here was the original java script

function advanceProgress()
  var progressMeter = document.getElementById("normal");
  if(progressMeter.getAttribute('value') <= 100) {
    var newvalue = parseInt(progressMeter.getAttribute('value')) + 10;
    progressMeter.setAttribute('value', newvalue);
    setTimeout("advanceProgress()", 100);
  else {
    progressMeter.setAttribute('value', 0);
    setTimeout("advanceProgress()", 100);

This was the automatically transformed python code

def advanceProgress()
  progressMeter = document.getElementById("normal")
  if(progressMeter.getAttribute('value') <= 100):
    newvalue = parseInt(progressMeter.getAttribute('value')) + 10
    progressMeter.setAttribute('value', newvalue)
    setTimeout("advanceProgress()", 100)
    progressMeter.setAttribute('value', 0)
    setTimeout("advanceProgress()", 100)

I had to supply the parseInt (this is equivalent to int)
I don't handle for loops yet but the other conversions are there.

In this case, "document" was global in the execution environment.

> sorry, i am a bit lost.
> regards,
>     holger

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