XML-RPC and M2Crypto

Don Mills drm2 at dss.state.va.us
Tue Dec 31 15:41:13 EST 2002

 I have been using the M2Crypto python libs to prototype some XML-RPC over 
SSL and have noticed a persistent problem with the httpslib.py code and 
client side authentication.  Any construct from this module more complex than 
HTTPSConnection will not send the client certificate.  I tracked the problem 
down to the class definition of HTTPS which uses the standard library 
HTTP.__init__.  The problem is that the SSL_context I have defined is not 
loaded as the HTTP._init_ merely calls 
HTTP._setup(self._connection_class(host, port)).
So I changed it (M2Crypto.httpslib.py) to this:

    class HTTPS(HTTP):

        _connection_class = HTTPSConnection

        def __init__(self, host='', port=None, **ssl):
                self.ssl_ctx = ssl['ssl_context']
            except KeyError:
                self.ssl_ctx = SSL.Context('sslv23')

This seems to fix the problem.  I also have extended the SimpleXMLRPCServer 
class to add SSL as below:

class SimpleSSLXMLRPCServer(SSL.SSLServer, SimpleXMLRPCServer):
        def __init__(self, ssl_context, address,\
                SSL.SSLServer.__init__(self, address, RequestHandler, 
                self.funcs = {}
                self.logRequests = logRequests
                self.instance = None
        def finish(self):
                self.request.set_shutdown(SSL.SSL_RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN | \ 

Hope you can make use of these...

Don Mills
Network Security/WAN Architect
VA Dept. of Social Services
drm2 at dss.state.va.us

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