basic type creation (C->python)

Dave Marotti landshark at
Thu Aug 22 18:46:06 EDT 2002


Thanks alot for the info.  I didn't receive any warnings when I compiled...
that's why I wasn't sure what happened.

I have 2.2 installed.  I'll give it a try with that.


>> [landshark at burrito ~/pytype/build/lib.linux-i686-1.5]$ python
>> Python 1.5.2 (#1, Apr  3 2002, 18:16:26)  
>          ^^^^^
> Here's the problem.  PyObject_Del didn't exist in 1.5.2.  You should
> have got warnings when compiling.

| Dave Marotti                | Looking for a Visio alternative for *nix?    |
| lndshark ! speakeasy net    | Kivio : |
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