question about generators

Aahz aahz at
Wed Aug 14 19:06:53 EDT 2002

In article <yu993cthtpqr.fsf at>,
Andrew Koenig  <ark at> wrote:
>I had a function along the following lines:
>        def f():
>                if <condition>:
>                        print <something>
>                else:
>                        <do something>
>                        f()
>                        <do something else>
>and I wanted to turn it into a generator instead of having it
>generate output directly.  My first try was to change "print"
>to "yield", and that failed horribly.
>Of course, what happened was that the recursive call was now
>creating a generator that was being thrown away.  To make it
>work, I had to do this:
>        def f():
>                if <condition>:
>                        yield <something>
>                else:
>                        <do something>
>                        for i in f():
>                                yield i
>                        <do something else>
>So... my question is this:  Is there a cleaner general way of making
>this kind of program transformation? 

Not really.  The two functions are not really semantically equivalent.
Consider the necessary code had your original function instead of
"print" used "return".
Aahz (aahz at           <*>

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