Case-insensitive XML Parsing

Peter Hansen peter at
Mon Aug 5 10:29:49 EDT 2002

"C. R. Sandeep" wrote:
>      I am using the xml.dom.minidom module to do some XML parsing. Is
> there any way I can set an option to do case-insensitive parsing? I

As Steve said, if the tags are case-insensitive, it's not XML.
In any case, I believe the PyRXP parser by
has a CaseInsensitive flag, though you should know it's not a DOM
parser, but a specialized Python one (very fast and efficient, mind you,
but it's not DOM).

> have a lot of files with inconsistent tag names and I need to parse
> them in Python. I checked the Python Global Module Reference but
> couldn't find any relevant information. Also, I do not want to use
> xmllib at this time (which, I think, supports case-insensitive parsing
> - not sure of this though).


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