customizing the readline module

Huaiyu Zhu huaiyu at
Wed Aug 21 15:42:39 EDT 2002

holger krekel <pyth at> wrote:

Thanks for the help.  As I understand, in the end I need to write the
completer to return either a partial completion or a list of choices, and
take care to pass the result back to readline in such a way as to defeat its
builtin behavior.  Looks like too much effort for the intended usage.

>> Is there a way to tweak the protocol for readline to allow the semantics of
>> passing back [aaa] as the accepted words and [bbb1, bbb2] as possible
>> completions?  That would allow the command line to remain 'aaa ' while the
>> completions be 'bbb1 bbb2'.
>newer readline libs might help but python will not integrate that soon
>enough, i guess.  The above approach works for me and is fairly backward

I would think that even with existing readline lib, the python module could
be redesigned to handle this, if it was aimed at providing a high level
interface to the low level facility, instead of exposing the low level
facility directly.  When I have time I'll try to write a wrapper of readline
to do this.

In the mean time I'm back to typing various command line options.


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