How do I access COM object's nondefault interface?

Josef Sachs sachs at
Thu Aug 15 17:05:51 EDT 2002

Can anyone tell me how to access a COM object's nondefault interface?

I saw the postings from mhurwitch at and
Toby Dickenson <htrd90 at> on the subject in 1999,
and I tried the methodology suggested (below) but it just
crashes pythonwin.

I'd greatly appreciate any assistance.

By the way, is there a better place to ask Python-win32 questions?
I have hardly received any responses to my recent postings.

def qi(object,iid):
 # Query for given iid, but use the IDispatch wrapper. The given iid
 # must correspond to a dual interface or dispinterface
 # Create the best dispatch object we can, using makepy version if possible
 return win32com.client.Dispatch(dispatch,resultCLSID=iid)

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