Strange problem with win32 (WinWord Automotion).

vtail vtail at
Wed Aug 14 06:37:51 EDT 2002


Can someone please help me with win32-related problem? I've following
obvious test script:
import win32com.client
from win32com.client import Dispatch

wdGoToHeading = 0

def f1(filename):
    W = Dispatch("Word.Application")
    W.Visible = 0
    wdGoToHeading = win32com.client.constants.wdGoToHeading

    D = W.Documents[0]
    R = D.Range()
    print "R start & end", R.Start, R.End
    R1 = R.GoTo(wdGoToHeading)
    print "R1 start & end", R1.Start, R1.End


def f2(R):
    print "f2 R start & end", R.Start, R.End
    R1 = R.GoTo(wdGoToHeading)
    print "f2 R1 start & end", R1.Start, R1.End

if __name__=="__main__":

and it returns following lines:

R start & end 0 41773
R1 start & end 2617 2617
f2 R start & end 0 41773
f2 R1 start & end 0 0

- that looks quite strange. Do you have any ideas about it?

Thanks a lot, Victor.

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