make install

Terry Hancock hancock at
Thu Aug 1 19:24:23 EDT 2002

Hi all,

I maintain software for a LAN of different systems which
all need to use Python (among other packages). It sometimes
happens that I need to compile on a particular "least common
denominator" machine, even though it isn't my regular
development machine.

For Python, I'm wondering if I can safely run 

./configure [ ... options ... ]

on the compiling machine, and run

make install

on my regular machine (because of the way the NFS mounts
are set up, this is much more convenient).

In other words, does "make install" actually compile
anything or otherwise do CPU-sensitive stuff. Both
machines will typically be running Unix or Linux.

I suppose this might be generally true, but I'm asking
specifically about Python. Looking briefly at the
Makefile suggests that I'm okay to do this.

Thanks for any comments,

Terry Hancock
hancock at       
Anansi Spaceworks         

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