Dijkstra on Python

Robin Becker robin at jessikat.fsnet.co.uk
Tue Aug 13 04:12:40 EDT 2002

In article <mailman.1029211160.24826.python-list at python.org>, James J.
Besemer <jb at cascade-sys.com> writes
>E.g., consider the implementation of Sets in Python (or Perl).  You could
>use dictionaries (as many propose) or plain lists or bitmaps of big
>numbers.  If sets are truly gigantic you may want to use b-trees or a
>persistent Zope DB.  You probably would encapsulate the abstraction in a
>class but that's not necessary for simple implementations.  Even in C, you
>have your choice of bitmaps, arrays of numbers or pointers to objects, or
>higher order data structures -- only it's more work than in Python or Perl.
>So, plainly, "there's more than one way" to solve most problems in any
>modern programming language.
as another example one only has to consider the dictator's paper on
python optimisation http://www.python.org/doc/essays/list2str.html which
has no fewer than 7 ways to do the same thing. The zen of Python is
often pretty meaningless.
Robin Becker

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