ANN: Pyrex 0.4.3

Skip Montanaro skip at
Tue Aug 27 20:57:02 EDT 2002

    François> But Pyrex already invites authors to do this, by establishing
    François> contracts.  When I tell Pyrex `cdef char *text', I guarantee
    François> my intent about `text', and Pyrex fills its share by producing
    François> fast access or usage to that variable.  

I agree, however with

    cdef char *text

you are stating something about the current module.  You are saying to
callers, "mymodule.text is a string".  In contrast, stating something like

    cdef int __builtin__.range(int, int, int)

tries to force your notion of the range() builtin's prototype on other
modules in the application, many of which may be out of your control.

    François> I'm quite ready to declare that `range' and `len' have their
    François> usual meaning.  If I am not ready to this, I just will not.

What happens if you are ready to declare this but the author of module A
isn't? ;-)


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