python disk i/o speed

nnes pruebauno at
Fri Aug 9 05:41:12 EDT 2002

Peter Hansen <peter at> wrote in message news:<3D525996.AA4F55EF at>...
to suggestions.
> Why don't you run the profiler on it and see where the time is
> being spent?  Random arbitrary optimizations is a waste of developer
> time, and generally makes the code less maintainable.
> (And Duncan's comments are still highly relevant.)
> -Peter

well, I am not as proficient using the profiler as you may asume :-).
Maybe you can explain what the output of it means. As far as I can see
it tells me what I already know: there is a script called
with a function filterfile2() which does some i/o using strings.

Fri Aug 09 09:27:05 2002    filtprof
Fri Aug 09 09:27:05 2002    filtprof

         6 function calls in 65.583 CPU seconds

   Ordered by: cumulative time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall
        2    0.005    0.003   65.583   32.792
        2    0.000    0.000   65.578   32.789 <string>:1(?)
        2   65.578   32.789   65.578   32.789
        0    0.000             0.000          profile:0(profiler)

And regarding Duncans comment. This was a just a test to be able to
estimate just that. My current numbers are that processing raw
logfiles in C is about 10 times faster and takes me about 25 times
more time to programm than Python.  Since I got several examples about
it with about the same speed, these estimates should hopefully be

If the logfile gets bigger than 500MB a day I might bite the bullet
and write that stuff in C or Java. There is at least a psychological
difference of waiting 6 minutes or one hour for the result. One might
be tempted to just start it interactively instead of waiting for batch

I have cases where dictionaries and regex would fit nicely though. I
should really test these but I shudder just of thinking doing that in
C, or are there nice furry libraries in gcc for something like that?
In Java there are at least some classes for it.


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