Stackless goes Limbo

James J. Besemer jb at
Fri Apr 26 03:26:03 EDT 2002

Christian Tismer wrote:

> Sorry about that. I knew it of course, but the
> association with the well-known "Kernighan/Ritchie"
> Book made me write this mess.

No biggie.  Just thought you'd wanna know.

> BTW, AWK is more related to Perl than to Python.

I think they're all three pretty different and unrelated.

Awk and Perl do both use {} for grouping and share a common syntax for IF, FOR and
WHILE statements, but that's about it.  Python with it's punction on every symbol
and the lack of functions with named parameters is pretty out there on its own.

In any case, my only point was  that AWK preceeded Python in time, not that there
was any relationship between the two.

> I really loved that little language.

Yeah, me too, though nowdays I almost always reach for Python.



James J. Besemer  503-280-0838 voice  503-280-0375 fax
mailto:jb at

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