True/False story... (PEP 285)

Andrew Dalke dalke at
Tue Apr 9 13:55:58 EDT 2002

Boris Borcic wrote:
>Could be argued that there is no single natural mapping, for an
>alternate to the current one we could have
>True     == 1
>False    == -1
>not x    == -x
>x and y  == min(x,y)
>x or y   == max(x,y)
>x xor y  == -x*y

Quoting Hilbert,
   "It must always be possible to substitute 'table', chair' and 'beer mug'
    for 'point', line' and 'plane' in a system of geometrical axioms."

I personally started with a BASIC which had 0 for false and -1 (all bits
on) for true.

                    dalke at

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