Indenting lines 400..457 help

Geoff Gerrietts geoff at
Wed Apr 10 17:15:55 EDT 2002

Quoting Ned Harvey (rahvee at
> For the life of me, I can't find any easy way to indent (or unindent) lines
> numbered 400..457 or whatever.  Does anyone have any good suggestions?
> I'm usually a vi user, but I'll happily learn a command of some other
> format.  I've tried
>     :400,457s/(.*)/   \1/g
> and a ton of variations of the same idea, but it seems that the
> search/replace doesn't do what I expect it to.

In vim, the easiest way is to hit V, scroll down a few lines, then hit
the > key to shift everything right one indent level. If the indent
level is too large, :set shiftwidth=4. I also recommend :set
tabstop=8, :set softtabstop=4, :set expandtab.

In oldschool vi, try:

Another common trick I use is:

:400,457s/^/    /

Best of luck,

Geoff Gerrietts             "Overspecialize and you breed in weakness.
<geoff at gerrietts net>     It's slow death." -- Maj. Motoko Kusanagi                          (Ghost in the Shell)

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