PEP 285: Adding a bool type

Andrew Dalke dalke at
Sun Apr 7 12:02:37 EDT 2002

John Roth wrote:
>People who were using bools for your Democrat or Republican
>example were simply using them incorrectly. In most states, there
>were way more than two choices: the Green party got enough votes
>to throw the election to Bush. If he hadn't run, Gore would have

Just as an off-topic reminder.  The difference between Bush and
Gore was less than 2,000.  Given the final Florida results of
    Bush    2,909,176, Republican
    Gore    2,907,451, Democrat
    Nader      96,837, Green
    Browne     18,856, Libertarian
    Buchanan   17,356, Reform
    Phillips    4,280, Official Constitution Party
    Hagelin     2,287, Natural Law

That means Hagelin, the *7th* place party, had enough votes to
"throw the election to Bush."

                    dalke at

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