Numeric question

Cameron Hooper cameron at
Thu Apr 25 21:32:04 EDT 2002


I hope someone can help me with this problem. It relates to the
Numeric extension. The code below will fail when calling the
'outerproduct()' procedure:


from Numeric import *

inputs = array( [[1., 1.],
                 [1., 0.],
                 [0., 1.],
                 [0.,0.]] )

binput = ones((4,1), Float)
inputs = concatenate( (inputs, binput), 1 )

x = inputs[0][:]
t = array([1.])

# this step fails
print outerproduct(x,t)


The error produced is:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "/usr/tmp/python-25603Vd", line 21, in ?
    print outerproduct(x,t)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.1/site-packages/Numeric/", line 359,
     in outerproduct return asarray(a).flat[:,NewAxis]*asarray(b).flat[NewAxis,:]
ValueError: flattened indexing only available for contiguous array

However, if I do not use the concatenate procedure to create the input
array then all works perfectly:


from Numeric import *

inputs = array( [[1., 1.,1.],
                 [1., 0.,1.],
                 [0., 1.,1.],
                 [0.,0.,1.]] )

x = inputs[0][:]
t = array([1.])

print outerproduct(x,t)


The shape of inputs is identical under both programs: shape(inputs) =

Can anyone see what's going wrong.



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