[ANNOUNCE] SkunkWeb 3.2 Released!

Drew Csillag drew_csillag at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 9 12:06:27 EDT 2002

SkunkWeb 3.2 has just been released.

The release is available from the SkunkWeb home page at

or directly from 

What's new? (from 3.1.3)
* New VFS layer which makes it now possible to serve portions (or all)
  of your document root from regular filesystems, zip archives or tar
* Works with Python 2.2
* Confirmed to work on Windows with Cygwin
* Many bugfixes
* New product service and a wizard tho produce them
* CGI adaptor 
* New demo
* If you have PIL install, you can have your hight and width
  attributes of image tags generated by <:img:> automatically filled
* Many PyDO improvements, including a SAP driver
* Upgraded MySQL support

Documentation updates are in the works.

Very best wishes to all,


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