PEP 285: Adding a bool type

Donn Cave donn at
Wed Apr 3 13:30:15 EST 2002

Quoth "A.M. Kuchling" <akuchlin at>:
| In article <ualr7hmlhkemab at>, John Roth wrote:
|> In fact, at this point I'd like everything substantive to be defered
|> to Python 3000, and get started on that right away. I've got a
|> few suggestions...
| It seems really unlikely that anyone will ever start with a completely
| blank slate and re-implement Python from the ground up in C/C++.  Such
| efforts have to rebuild absolutely everything, from the parser to the
| basic data structures to all the modules, and there would be weeks and
| months of work before there was anything usable again.  

Are you saying there will never be a 3000, whatever it's called, a
substantially new version that sacrifices some compatibility?  Whether
it's accomplished from a blank slate or reuses a lot of the existing
core, I thought that was the plan.  All the modules that survive that
would obviously have to be at least looked at.

If so, I thought it was a good point - why not just get started on it?
Why wrestle and compromise with these compatibility problems, when
that big overhaul is on the horizon anyway?

	Donn Cave, donn at

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