Third Draft: Pep for Deprecating Builtins

Raymond Hettinger python at
Mon Apr 29 14:03:02 EDT 2002

>From the comments, I've learned:

1. map, filter, divmod, and pow may be immovable and should
    be left alone.

2. reduce has fewer friends, but should probably also be
    left alone

3. input() has almost no supporters and should probably be
    deprecated.  it is security risk, a trap for new users, easily
    replaced with eval(raw_input), and is named in a way that
    doesn't suggest that eval is occurring.

4. apply() was repeatedly suggested as another candidate for
    deprecation since the * and ** forms make it obsolete

5.  oct() is another candidate based on the rarity of usage

6. command line options and environment variables are
    universally hated, so this idea is dropped

7. the language needs some means of deprecating so that clutter
    does accumulate.  that means needs to be well documented,
    have a long, slow phase-in, and have a mechasism for
    restoring old behavior if it is ever needed.

8. there is some lumberjack person who is very angry

9. putting new functional tools in a separate module was
    well received.

Raymond Hettinger

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