Python webmail packages?

Paul Rubin phr-n2002a at
Tue Apr 16 15:20:24 EDT 2002

Ian Bicking <ianb at> writes:
> > Hmm, how much code is involved?  I didn't want to deal with installing
> > a huge package like Zope.
> Installation isn't hard, like I said it's CGI.  It happens to reuse some
> code from Zope, but all that code is contained in the package itself.

Thanks.  Any impressions of how it compares to squirrelmail?  It
sounds like it isn't being actively maintained, which is not so
attractive.  Squirrelmail on the other hand has bugs that I can't seem
to convince the developers are really bugs.  I can patch my local copy
with fixes, but I'd rather do that with something written in Python.

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