Newbie: finding the key/index of the min/max element

Laura Creighton lac at
Tue Apr 30 19:00:46 EDT 2002

> Benjamin Han wrote:
> > In my quest of becoming a "Pythonistas" (where does this word come from BTW
> ?),
> The term derrives from the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, the Communist rebels who
> fought against the US-installed conservative Somoza dictatorship (and others)
> .
> The suffix is sometimes used to refere to any contrarian group, and in cases
> simply any group.

That is simple ignorant American narrow-minded foolishness talking.
Normally, I would take extreme great care to not say anything so 
offensive, but I have a deep suspcion that James J Besemer is one
of the 'can't take the heat' folks, and will learn to like a kinder
and gentler place than the one he proposes to make for Raymond Hettinger
if he finds out what it is like to live in the place he proposed.

At any rate, idiot fool deluded with the idea that the American perspective
is somehow comprehensive,

'ista' by those of us who speak Spanish means one hell of a lot
broader than that.  And not the same broadness in every Spanish
speaking nation.  My Spanish comes from where I lived in childhood,
San Pedro Sula, Honduras, and thus is fairly close to that of
Nicauragua (the country next door).  <except I lived in Cuenca Equador
also, complicated stuff my childhood>.  What 'ista' means varies from
sub-region to sub-region, and I get into confusion using it as I am
used to when I speak with Spaniards, where the rules are different --
but -- at any rate, in Honduras, it is used for everything from
'following the teaching of' to 'liking'.  You get 'istas' for every
damn fad on the planet, every popular song, let alone songwriter, and
just preferring the colour blue.

All of this has been going on for vastly longer than Super-Power
sponsored hell in small countries.

The Super-Power sponsored hell was such a vileness, that nobody would
be particularily interested in invoking that image.  Pythonista may
resonate to ignorant Americans with only that sound, but the rest of
us have a richer cultural experience in which to ground such an
expression.  At least by God I hope so -- else we have finally
reached the Nadir of Disneyism, where violent repression followed with
anarchy, and the dying hopes and dreams of a generation are _glorified_
because they are BRANDED.

Yours most disgustedly,
Laura Creighton

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