Probelm in marshaling Any with typecode/value of struct

Ajay Kapoor Ajay.Kapoor at
Wed Apr 3 17:57:58 EST 2002

Hi ,

      I am trying to pass a structure as CORBA.Any. I am constructing the
TypeCode using the stringified Fnorb id.
      But at the runtime while sending the corba request I get the
marshaling error for CORBA.Any
     Here is the code snippet for what I am doing

    idl definition
     module agent {

             interface GenericAgent

                      struct NameValuePair
                         string name;
                          any value;
 		struct Subnet
		    string address;  /* 32 bit mask  */
		    short mask;      /* 0..32        */
           } };

Now I am trying this

  # got the corba object reference some how
     agent =  reference
     sn_tc =CORBA.TypeCode("IDL:cosinecom/agent/common/Subnet:1.0")  #
string is the Fnorb generated ID
     srcSubnet =
     # making the request


I have also tried using
tc=  CORBA.TypeCode( )  to construct the typecode and use it
with Any . But that also failed.

I am getting the following error in all the cases.

line 85, in createObject
    apply(request.invoke, args, kw)
  File "/dvlp/akapoor/Python-1.5.2/Lib/site-packages/Fnorb/orb/", line
160, in invoke
    (forwarded, self.__results) = client.synchronous(self, args)
"/dvlp/akapoor/Python-1.5.2/Lib/site-packages/Fnorb/orb/", line
117, in synchronous
    self.__marshal_parameters(cursor, request.inputs(), parameters)
"/dvlp/akapoor/Python-1.5.2/Lib/site-packages/Fnorb/orb/", line
461, in __marshal_parameters
    typecode._fnorb_marshal_value(cursor, parameters[i])
  File "/dvlp/akapoor/Python-1.5.2/Lib/site-packages/Fnorb/orb/",
line 2121, in _fnorb_marshal_value
    self._element_type._fnorb_marshal_value(cursor, element)
  File "/dvlp/akapoor/Python-1.5.2/Lib/site-packages/Fnorb/orb/",
line 1476, in _fnorb_marshal_value
    member.type._fnorb_marshal_value(cursor, dict[py_member_name])
  File "/dvlp/akapoor/Python-1.5.2/Lib/site-packages/Fnorb/orb/",
line 794, in _fnorb_marshal_value
  File "/dvlp/akapoor/Python-1.5.2/Lib/site-packages/Fnorb/orb/", line
77, in _fnorb_marshal
  File "/dvlp/akapoor/Python-1.5.2/Lib/site-packages/Fnorb/orb/",
line 216, in _fnorb_marshal
    cursor.marshal('L', self._kind.value()) 
AttributeError: 'string' object has no attribute 'value'

Can somebody help me.

Ajay Kapoor

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