turning a string into an object name

Chris Liechti cliechti at gmx.net
Thu Apr 4 14:51:30 EST 2002

netzapper at magicstar.net (A. Jones) wrote in
news:3cac943f.132176618 at mammoth.usenet-access.com: 

> On Thu, 04 Apr 2002 11:56:24 GMT, Alex Martelli <aleax at aleax.it>
> wrote:
>>You cannot use ANY identifier safely after that exec
>>statement, as you have no idea any more what the
>>identifier can refer to.  As a bonus, your code crawls,
>>since the Python compiler knows it does not know, and
>>therefore executes a full identifier look-up at runtime
>>rather than recognizing local variables at compile time.
>>What kind of useful code can you write without being
>>able to use ANY identifier safely?  WHY would you ever
>>WANT to trample all over your namespace to ensure every
>>identifier becomes an utter and total mystery?  Beats me.
> I agree with you if it's an arbitrary string being passed to your exec
> call .  However, if you have some idea of what the form of the string
> is going to be, it doesn't seem so dangerous.  For instance:
> for x in range(0, 100):
>      exec foo + `x` + " = " + "myClass()"
> allows you to easily make a large list of sequentially named
> variables, with no chance of stepping on a system call.
> Furthermore, you can wrap it inside a class.
> class test:
>      def wrongHeaded(self, name, value):
>          exec "self."+name+'='+repr(value)
>          print vars()
> this produces no exceptions, and doesn't cause any problems, since
> vars is never defined... only self.vars is.

until someone has the idea to pass some fancier names like
t.wrongHeaded('a; del None', 57)

and then have fun watching your entire program fail...

when you wrap it in a class there is no reason to not use getattr/setattr.

exec/eval is always critical like os.system() and the like. security holes 
due to unmotivated eval/os.system etc. use come up every now and then and 
you wound't want to be the author of that software.


Chris <cliechti at gmx.net>

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