dbi odbc error

don donald.braman at yale.edu
Thu Apr 4 13:06:14 EST 2002

I'm new to python. I'm trying to update tables in an MS Access database. I
can connect and retrieve data just fine. The following *does* work well:

                import dbi, odbc
                conn = odbc.odbc(mybase)
                cur = conn.cursor()
                cur.execute('SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE myfield < 1830')
                print cur.description
                for tup in cur.description:
                        print tup[0],
                while 1:
                        rec = cur.fetchmany(10)
                        if not rec: break
                        print rec

But when I try to update a field the in table, I get an error. So, the
following does *not* work:

                import dbi, odbc
                conn = odbc.odbc(mybase)
                cur = conn.cursor()
                cur.execute('UPDATE mytable SET mytable.myfield= "test";')

The error I get is:

  File "F:\simple update.py", line 4, in ?
    cur.execute('UPDATE mytable SET mytable.myfield = "test";')
dbi.program-error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few
parameters. Expected 1. in EXEC

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