Buffer Interface, can't get PyObject_AsReadBuffer to work?

Kevin Cazabon kevin at cazabon.com
Wed Apr 3 00:45:58 EST 2002

More growing pains... I can't seem to get PyObject_AsReadBuffer to
work for me, any suggestions based on the following code?  "ok" always
ends up as 0, meaning that the operation failed...

Thanks!  Kevin.

static PyObject *
pyHasp(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
  // declarations
  PyObject *inBuffer = NULL;
  void *pInBuffer = NULL;
  ULONG Service = 0;
  ULONG SeedCode = 0;
  ULONG LptNum = 0;
  ULONG Pass1 = 0;
  ULONG Pass2 = 0;
  ULONG p1 = 0;
  ULONG p2 = 0;
  ULONG p3 = 0;
  int p4size = 0;
  int ok = 0;
  void *EncodeDecodeBuffer;

  EncodeDecodeBuffer = malloc(1001);
  if (EncodeDecodeBuffer == NULL) {
    return Py_BuildValue("llls", -9994, -9994, -9994, "Could not
allocate memory for the EncodeDecodeBuffer!");
  memset (EncodeDecodeBuffer, 0, 1001);

  // parse the PyObject arguments, assign to variables accordingly,
this works fine, inBuffer is a Python array ('B'), and ParseTuple
succeeds (returns 1)
  ok = PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "llllllllOl", &Service, &SeedCode,
&LptNum, &Pass1, &Pass2, &p1, &p2, &p3, &inBuffer, &p4size);

  if (!ok) { 
    printf("Could not parse the Python Tuple in pyHasp.dll!\n");
    return Py_BuildValue("llls", -9999, -9999, -9999, "Could not
access the passed string as a Python buffer!");

  // Convert the pInBuffer from PyObject to a PyBuffer (readable),
THIS DOESN'T WORK (the Python object type that is passed in as
inBuffer is a 'B' array)
  if (PyObject_CheckReadBuffer(inBuffer)) {
    //this ALWAYS returns 0, meaning unsuccessful... what's wrong???
    ok = PyObject_AsReadBuffer(inBuffer, &pInBuffer, &p4size);
    if (!ok) {
      printf("PyObject_AsReadBuffer failed\n");
      return Py_BuildValue("llls", -9995, -9995, -9995, "Could not
access the passed array as a Python buffer!");

/* The rest of the code is here, never gets there though. */

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