C-extension not threadable?

Dave Cole djc at object-craft.com.au
Wed Apr 17 09:11:36 EDT 2002

>>>>> "Martin" == Martin v Loewis <martin at v.loewis.de> writes:

Martin> stojek at part-gmbh.de (Marcus Stojek) writes:
>> The C-extension does what it is supposed to do, the callback
>> function works, but the C-function does not start as a parallel
>> thread but is freezing my UI. Anything basic I miss here ?

Martin> Yes, the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL). When C code runs that
Martin> was invoked from Python code, it holds the GIL, and only one
Martin> such C code can run at any time. So you need to release the

If the API which is being wrapped by the extension module utilises
callbacks, and you want to make those callbacks available to Python
code, and you want to do this in a threading environment where the GIL
is released when calling the API, then the above will not work.

I tried this for my Sybase module and received a segfault for my

In cases like this you have to do something a teeny bit more
complicated.  In my case I was lucky in that the callback functions
from the Sybase library pass a pointer to a connection structure.  In
the callback I then use the pointer to locate my Python object which
wraps the Sybase connection structure where I store all sorts of
Python related info including:

1) A PyThread_type_lock lock which ensures that all thread
   access to a Sybase API's on a connection is serialised.

2) A PyThreadState* which stores the thread state of the thread
   currently operating on the connection.

Then each call to a connection related Sybase API (ct_cancel() for
example) where I want to release the GIL looks like this:

    status = ct_cancel(self->conn, NULL, type);

which expands (more or less) to this:

    PyThread_acquire_lock(self->lock, WAIT_LOCK);
    self->thread_state = PyEval_SaveThread();

    status = ct_cancel(self->conn, NULL, type);

    self->thread_state = NULL;

So when a get a callback on a connection all I have to do locate the
associated Python connection object (conn) and do this:

    conn->thread_state = NULL;
    result = PyEval_CallObject(servermsg_cb, args);
    conn->thread_state = PyEval_SaveThread();

When the Sybase API invokes the callback internal to my extension
module I reacquire the GIL with the correct thread state and then call
up to the Python callback function registered by the module user.
Once the Python callback function returns I release the GIL again
because it will be reacquired when the Sybase API returns (in this
case ct_cancel()).

This seems to be working fine so far (fingers crossed).

- Dave


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