ctrl-c and os.system problem

Donn Cave donn at u.washington.edu
Wed Apr 3 13:35:06 EST 2002

Quoth noomnews at yahoo.com (Noom News):
| "Donn Cave" <donn at u.washington.edu> wrote in message news:<a8dbup$hec$1 at nntp6.u.washington.edu>...
|> NetBSD's system(3) man page explains that system ignores SIGINT
|> and SIGQUIT.  I assume the same must be true on Red Hat Linux,
|> and Python calls C system().
|> Maybe you could use spawnv()?

| Thanks!  The strange thing is that SIGINT kill the os.system but was
| not propated to kill the whole python process.  This behavior made
| python different from perl where the whole process would be killed.

I'm not really familiar with perl, but I believe its system function
may not call the C system(3) function as Python's does.  In fact,
it's supposed to have some of the benefits that spawnv() provides.

Maybe you could use spawnv()?

	Donn Cave, donn at u.washington.edu

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