Python call tree tool?

Ira D. Baxter idbaxter at
Wed Apr 24 10:38:12 EDT 2002

"François Pinard" <pinard at> wrote in message
news:mailman.1019588025.27016.python-list at
> [Robin Becker]
> > I guess I can use inspect to figure out the functions/classes that are
> > declared in an arbitrary module, but it seems harder to determine if
> > these things are actually referenced in other modules. For that I assume
> > I will have to do some code analysis.
> It may be difficult to do in general.
> Such usages do not appear uncommon at all to me, and it surely requires an
> extremely clever and sophisticated code analyser to find out what really
> happens at run-time.

Most analyses of real programs are hard to do exactly,
even if you take into account inter-procedurel (inter object)
interactions.   In any case, that doesn't stop people from
implementing pretty reasonable analyzers.   But you are
right, you need strong foundations to do it.

I can't offer an off-the-shelf call tree analyzer.
But our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit would
be good for implementing one.  In a similar vein,
we have done "Deactive" code analysis ("defined but not
referenced" code as defined by FAA DO187B
flight software requirements) for large Java systems.

Ira D. Baxter, Ph.D. CTO Semantic Designs, Inc.

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