Binding a reference to a variable (solved?!?)

Michael Hudson mwh at
Thu Apr 11 09:55:28 EDT 2002

Patrick Miller <patmiller at> writes:

> Here's a scary way to do what Andrew was looking for.  It has
> the proper form and fewer (but still significant) restrictions.
> >>> x = 7
> >>> set(x,99)
> >>> print x
> I'll likely submit the following as a ASPN recipe, though
> it clearly needs a better description of motivation.  Just
> because you CAN do a thing doesn't mean you SHOULD
> do a thing.

Do you know about my bytecodehacks?  I think you might like
them... (though they only really work with 1.5.2).

> x = 3
> y = [1,2,3,4,]
> z = {"something": 0}
> def set(lhs,rhs,G=globals()):
>     address = id(lhs)

This is a pretty bad way of identifying the passed in value.  What you
"want" to do is look at
sys._getframe().f_back.{f_lasti,f_code.co_code}, poke around until you
find the

    LOAD_FAST 'x'

instruction or whatever, and go from there.

Of course, this is all absurdly hacky, but kind of fun.  It should
come with a kind of "explosive licence" -- if you use it in production
code, your shoes explode.


  Programming languages should be designed not by piling feature on
  top of feature, but by removing the weaknesses and restrictions
  that make the additional features appear necessary.
               -- Revised(5) Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme

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