IDE Wars, the prequel!

Brian Quinlan brian at
Wed Apr 3 19:37:09 EST 2002

Robert wrote: 
> A little confused here.  So should I look at Komodo, or are you saying
> that I can install win32all on Linux and then run ActivePython?

>From the user's perspective, ActivePython and Komodo have nothing to do
with each other.

Komodo is an IDE for developing scripting languages, including Python
(and Perl, PHP, Tcl and XSLT). It works on Linux and Windows.

ActivePython is ActiveState's Python distribution, which is available
for several platforms (at least Windows and Linux). ActivePython is 99+%
compatible with PythonLabs Python but it has a nicer installer and some
extra modules. One of those extra modules is win32all, which is a Python
extension written by Mark Hammond. This extension, which includes the
PythonWin IDE, only works on Windows.

So you can install ActivePython on Linux but it will not include the
PythonWin IDE (though it does include IDLE).


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